So this evening I thought I would try and image Jupiter. That's my goal. I really would like to share what I see and what a fantastic hobby Astronomy can be.
But, as they say, the stars where not in my favor. Just couldn't get a good focus. Was able to better adjust the color, but with the heat rising off the surface of our wonderful planet, there was no way I could get a good focus.
So, rather than give up, I took the guided tour and did see 2 things I never saw before:
Messier 13 - 92 - these images are not mine. I just Google them so I could show you what I was looking at.
Both are globular clusters (a bunch of stars), but great to look at.
Since I put the camera away, I wasn't able to try and take pictures. But, I also made it a point that I would try and get some images of planets or other near by objects before I attempt anything like this.
Oh, going back, while I was trying to re-align the scope with Jupiter, this object (I don't know what it was) just "zipped" through the view (eyepiece). I was surprised. I stood up and said "What the F*&^ was that?". It really took me off guard. :)
Also, where the heck did the summer go? It was sooooo cold out. My computer tells me it's 58 degrees out, but it's got to be colder than that. My hands are still cold/stiff while I'm typing here.
Ok, so that was tonight. I really want to get some good images to share with you all (all 4 of you), so when I do, I'll be sure to post them here.
Clear skies and Good Night!!