May 2008 -
So...where do I begin?
I could go back to the 5th grade, or my Senior Year in high school, but what really got me "addicted" would be the past October.
Here I am, standing out on my deck one evening (pretty much a nightly occurrence) just looking at the sky. I find myself looking at this one particular star (so I thought).
So I decided to drag this old Tasco Telescope out to take a look. I got the scope from my father-in-law. They were moving, and he was going to throw it away. Apparently the cleaning lady had knocked it over and just put everything out of whack.
I had been using it on rare occasions, but just to look at the moon.
Anyway, I set this up, point it at this star. This was tricky as the finder scope I could never get properly aligned. Talk about cheap. The best way I could do it was to remove the eye piece all together and look in until I see a bright light (assuming that is what I want to look at).
I get this baby point at my star. But,'s not a star. IT'S JUPITER!!
Moons and all.
Well, now I'm hooked. Every night I set up and take a look. But given the fact that I need to turn these cables to move the scope, I got quickly tired of it, and started shopping for something better.
I found a great deal on an ETX 125 AT. And that's what I am currently using.
I'm hooked. What more can I say. I can't believe the things I have seen, and the things that are yet to be seen.
What have I seen you ask? Well, the moon of course, but there's lots more.
I remember my first glimpse at the Ring Nebula.
The Orion Nebula.
I'm like a black hole now, wanting more. Much More!
Winter comes..........too cold. At least for me, and I like to hunt.
So I set up the scope in the living room window to see what I can see (just like the bear).
Saturn's rising. I aim. I look.
I could not believe what I was seeing. Wanting to share this moment, I tell my wife to come look. She won't. Refuses to look through the scope. Probably thinks ET is going to be looking back at her. :)
Naturally, looking through a window is not too good. Removed the screen. Better.
Tried looking through the open window, but with all the heat rushing out, this was worse.
So I waited for milder temperatures. The first thing I looked at while being actually outside, was Saturn.
I almost cried. I could not believe the detail. The awesomeness (if that's a word).
I wanted more. Ordered a camera and first chance I got started imaging.
(I'll post the photos soon - but just want to get the core of this site going).
And that brings us up to today.
Unfortunately, living in the North East (Massachusetts), one can't rely on the weather. Maybe clear at 4:00 PM, but come night fall, over cast. Just like today. :(
But I can't wait to get back out there.
So, please come back and I hope to have more to share with this new fantastic hobby called.....Astronomy.
Thanks for visiting.