Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Iridium Flares

Given the sort of weather we are having, I really haven't had the opportunity to take the scope out since my last posting.

We keep having these late afternoon, early evening storms. In fact, we're having one now. :(

By the time things clear up, I just can't find myself getting all my gear out for just a few minutes of viewing.

So, what does one do when they want to view the sky, but don't want to get their gear out? Look for Iridium Flares! Now, you could just log on to http://www.heavens-above.com/ or you could just look for them on your own. It appears that where I am (Central Mass.), they appear roughly around the same time. 10:30'ish.

So last night, my wife and I were hangin' out on the deck watching TV. I know, I said the weather hasn't been ideal, but last night I wasn't sure so we just hung out watching the TV on the deck.

Around 10:30 we decide it was time to go in. You see, we both have to go to work.

I'm putting the Tiki torches out, gathering stuff that needs to go inside (ie. empty beer can or 2, remote for TV....the TV), when I decide to just look up. I see a satelite going over head.

So I watch it. Commenting to myself, "Gee, that's getting brighter." Now I've seen the flares several times before. And even without checking the time table, but..........this has to be the best I've seen.

Not only did it get brighter, but.......seriously........had a huge flash. Like a flare in the sky. I'm sorry my wife wasn't there to see it. It was absolutely incredible.

So, next time your out, look up. Don't just dismiss a passing satelite as just another satelite. Watch it, it may be one of the most incredible things you see in the sky.

Keep your eyes pointing up and looking. And I'll be checking in with you all again soon!

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