And I know people have been visiting, since I get a report once a week showing how many have stopped by.
Well, being in New England, it's been just a bit chilly to get out there and do any gazing with the scope. I do, however, peer up there every night when I go out to get some more wood and just watch.
Venus over there......Orion coming up over here, the big dipper just doesn't look right, since it's always in another portion of the sky during the warmer months.
So, I only have 1 picture to share.
As you may remember, in early December we were all blessed with a lovely showing of Venus, Jupiter and a Crescent Moon. I was hunting one evening when I looked up and saw the sight. Duh...I forgot the camera!! :(
Having remember the next night, I did get this one shot. Unfortunately, the best opportunity was the night before, but here it is:
Well I wish I could say I will be updating this more regularly, but until it gets warmer, I think I'll just sit by the woodstove.
So please check back this Spring!! See you then. :)
1 comment:
Just stumbled upon your site, while cruising the net, searching for something astronomy related until the (seemingly) 6 feet of snow melts outside. I'm the proud owner of a Celestron, C8-SGT, (Huge thing, and quite a job to set up), and a recently purchased ETX-125.
My story closely parallels yours, in that I actually won a telescope when I was in about the 5th grade, and was living in Phoenix, Arizona. This "scope" was a little 3.5 inch reflector, bakelite tube, plastic 40x eyepiece, but enough for me to make out 4 moons of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn.
'Nuff Said, I was hooked. Every night I could, I'd set up the scope, and watch what I could see. Always wanted one of the "big" scopes, but could never afford it, or forgot about it, but my love of the heavens always was lurking, and calling. Finally, I got the Celestron, and after about a year and a half, finally got it set up for a few nights, Yes, one never forgets, or ceases to be amazed by the sights that await, that I can say! I look forward to my move back down to Arizona so that I can continue, year round, uninterupted, my search of the heavens!
Clear skies, (and warm temperatures) to you, and keep up the good work!
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